
Code by Remitz is an autonomous medical coding platform that utilizes the latest advancements in artificial intelligence, deep learning neural networks, and large data aggregation to convert written clinical notes into accurate diagnosis codes, ICD codes, and CPT codes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Code by Remitz?

Code by Remitz is an autonomous medical coding platform that uses artificial intelligence, deep learning neural networks, and large data aggregation to convert written clinical notes into accurate diagnosis codes, ICD codes, and CPT codes. It streamlines the medical coding process and improves accuracy, helping healthcare providers save time and resources.

How does Code by Remitz work?

Code by Remitz uses artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms to analyze written clinical notes and convert them into accurate diagnosis codes, ICD codes, and CPT codes. It uses large data aggregation to ensure the highest level of accuracy and efficiency.

What types of codes does Code by Remitz support? (ICD, CPT, etc.)

Code by Remitz supports ICD codes, CPT codes, and other relevant medical coding standards.

How does Code by Remitz's AI technology improve accuracy compared to manual coding?

Code by Remitz's AI technology eliminates the possibility of human error in the coding process, ensuring high levels of accuracy. It also uses large data aggregation to identify trends and improve accuracy over time.

Does Code by Remitz integrate with existing electronic health record (EHR) systems?

Yes, Code by Remitz integrates with existing electronic health record (EHR) systems, making it easy to use and streamline the coding process. Files are accepted in EDI, HL7, and CSV formats.

How does Code by Remitz ensure patient data privacy and security?

Code by Remitz uses industry-standard security protocols to protect patient data. This includes encryption, secure data storage, and access controls to ensure that patient data is protected at all times. Our platform is safe and secure, compliant with HIPAA and OAuth 2.0, and utilizes secure data transfer via SFTP.

Can Code by Remitz be customized to meet specific needs and requirements?

Yes, Code by Remitz can be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of healthcare providers. This includes customizing coding standards, integrating with existing systems, and providing customized training and support.

How does Code by Remitz help healthcare providers save time and resources compared to manual coding?

Code by Remitz eliminates the need for manual coding, saving healthcare providers time and resources. It also improves accuracy, reducing the need for manual reviews and corrections, further reducing the time and resources required.

What kind of support and training does Remitz provide to help users get started with Code?

Remitz provides comprehensive training and support to help users get started with Code.

Is there a demo or trial version of Code by Remitz available?

Yes, a demo of Code by Remitz is available upon request.

What is the cost of Code by Remitz? Is there a subscription-based model or a one-time purchase option?

The cost of Code by Remitz varies based on the specific needs and requirements of healthcare providers. It is offered on a subscription-based model, with flexible pricing options to meet the needs of different sized healthcare providers.

Can Code by Remitz be used by healthcare providers of all sizes and specialties?

Yes, Code by Remitz can be used by healthcare providers of all sizes and specialties, including small practices, large hospitals, and specialist clinics.

What sets Code by Remitz apart from other medical coding solutions?

Code by Remitz sets itself apart from other medical coding solutions by offering a fully autonomous platform that uses AI and deep learning algorithms to improve accuracy and efficiency. It is also fully customizable, making it easy to integrate with existing systems and meet the specific needs of different healthcare providers

Drive better patient care with Code

With Code by Remitz, medical professionals can trust that their coding is always up-to-date and accurate, giving them more time to focus on patient care.

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